So I rescued a 6 month old and I thought I dog proofed the house, I even brought the socket covers of Amazon (I would recommend) however my dog has destroyed shoes, socks, the sofa, cables, remotes, battery packs, Nintendo Switches ( 3 times), carrier bags, paper works so just make sure that when you think it's dog proof go around again 😊 but it's 100% worth it and the destruction only last a short period!
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So I rescued a 6 month old and I thought I dog proofed the house, I even brought the socket covers of Amazon (I would recommend) however my dog has destroyed shoes, socks, the sofa, cables, remotes, battery packs, Nintendo Switches ( 3 times), carrier bags, paper works so just make sure that when you think it's dog proof go around again 😊 but it's 100% worth it and the destruction only last a short period!